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However, it's strongly implied that it is he who narrates the game's trailer.
Heroic Mime: Typical of an FPS series, but it's especially notable here, as he remains utterly silent throughout even the cutscenes. He had it replaced with a cybernetic implant - way before most of the rest of his body was replaced with cybernetics. Eye Scream: Prior to being assigned to Rhino Squad, he lost one of his eyes in the initial Strogg invasion of Earth. Badass Abnormal: After his incomplete Stroggification. Badass: Word of God said that he's surnamed Kane because it's said that the creator of Star Trek have always used a hard "K" sound in the names of his heroes. However, as soon as the shit hits the fan and his Strogg implants makes him humanity's last best hope, everyone wants to be his best bud. All of the Other Reindeer: He gets bashing from the other non-Rhino Squad Marines before and after being Stroggified (although in the "after" they seem to be under the mistaken impression he's a Strogg Ambassador rather than a Stroggified fellow Marine). They don't trust him, and they believe he might be too much of a loose cannon. However, the squad knows him only from his mysterious reputation. This was due to Lieutenant Voss, who saw Kane's potential to be a truly valuable asset to the team. After several months of recuperation, Kane was assigned to Rhino squad. But exactly what happened there may never be known-he is under the strictest orders to remain silent. He was involved with the disaster on Space Station Armstrong and was the only one to emerge alive. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ībove all else, Corporal Matthew Kane is a survivor. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples. Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted.
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Quake Champions is a First-Person Shooter, and the sixth entry to Quake developed by id Software and Saber Interactive.
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It was released for the PC in 2017, and went free-to-play the following year.Ĭhampions is a direct successor of Quake III: Arena and features the good ol' Quake gameplay along with a large quantity of playable characters and some modifications to the formula. The main draw of the game is the Champion system, where individual characters have individual stats (such as weight, speed, starting health, health cap, armor cap), up to two passive abilities, and one activable ability. But the Hero Shooter elements end there, as players still need to pick up weapons, armor and powerups in order to get the upper hand in battle. The players start with the Gauntlet and another weapon of their choice (either Machinegun, Shotgun,or Nailgun) as their ranged starter. Announcer Chatter: Way more subdued than in Arena and Live.And Your Reward Is Clothes: Completing the Lore Codex for any of the Champions awards a "Lore Skin", usually involving how they looked in the past, or something important to them, or just a cool looking skin.Alternate History: Anarki, Slash, and Visor came from the universe where cybernetics and hover technology became widespread in the 90's, which the former has the Soviet Union as one of the countries leading in development before its collapse.New maps: Ruins of Sarnath, Burial Chamber, Lockbox, Corrupted Keep, Church of Azathoth, Tempest Shrine, Vale of Pnath, Molten Falls, Awoken, The Tower of Koth.Returning from Quake Live: Blood Run, Citadel note f.k.a.Returning from Quake III: Arena: Blood Covenant note f.k.a.The pickupable weapons of the game are the Super Nailgun, the Rocket Launcher, the Lightning Gun, the Super Shotgun, the Railgun, the Heavy Machinegun and the Tri-Bolt. Anyone Can Die: A recurring feature for a champion's "Main menu" animations is for them to violently murder another champion.Ĭonsidering the fact that there's a lot more of awards to announce, this is a good thing.They'll just respawn later, but it's a reminder of the kind of ride you're in for.